How to Startup Snail Farming in Nigeria


Setting up a snail farm does not require a huge capital to set up and the running cost is moderate.

To get started with snail farming, take the considerations below into account.
The reality in any business or enterprise is that, without proper planning ( crossing the T’s and dotting the I’s), a person could face a myriad of problems. 

Of course, challenges will surface regardless of how experienced you are in the field, but those challenges won’t be overwhelming if you have anticipated them beforehand.

•  Know what snail farming is

•  Economics of snail rearing

•  Understand snail breeds

•  Take feeding into account

•  Consider housing and shelter

•  Know the soil type

•  Prevent pests and diseases

•  Plan for reproduction

•  Harvest your snails

•  Building the snail farm

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